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Look! There's a fountain!
Yes, I see.
The fountain of the L-RD—
And the taste is clear.
Look! There's an orchard!
Yes, I see.
The orchard of the L-RD—
And the fruit stays sweet.
Look! There's a river!
Yes, I see.
The river of the L-RD—
And the flow never ends.
Look! There's that bright throne!
Yes, I see.
That's the throne of the L-RD—
Where His glory will be.
Dedicated to all those who believe in the Messiah | October 1, 2016
I was sitting at the dining table one afternoon, very bored, when the first four lines of this poem popped up in my head. I quickly wrote the words down and added three more verses.
I think this is about the New Jerusalem and the place we will be with Yeshua (Jesus) when He returns.
Listen to the Breeze
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